Bar News

Members’ Bar – Bring your friends!

11 Oct 24

The SLT Bar welcomes both you and your friends, whenever it's open!

As a member of the theatre, you’re automatically a member of the SLT Members Club, our licensed bar premises in the basement. The bar isn’t just there to water the hordes as they arrive, eager to see our shows, it is your bar and social space to use whenever it’s open. And we aim to have it open for you – and you your guests – whenever there is member activity in the building.


There are of course a few rules and guidelines to bringing guests, so to ensure you get the most out of your bar, here are a few pointers:

  • Members may bring a reasonable number of non-member guests with them to the bar when it is open – we don’t impost a numerical limit, but suggest that if you want to arrive with a whole mob, then you might want book the bar for a party.
  • Booking for a party: This is when our shared bar can really come alive. The bar can be booked in advance to hold members’ parties and events. Lighting, decorations and furniture arrangements can be altered with agreement, and we simply ask that for these events, the bar remains open to all SLT members, who can be invited by social media and SLT publicity. For information on how to book the bar for a party or event, contact
  • Signing in: Unless you are ticket holders for a show on the evening of your visit, ensure that you and everyone who is not holding a ticket signs in (and out), in the foyer, so there is an adequate record for health and safety in the event of a building evacuation. It is also ideal if your guests also sign the visitors book which is located on the low part of the bar itself, to record their entry to the bar as guests of yours.
  • Guest conduct: Whilst we will always assume that your guests are all fine upstanding individuals, you are of course responsible for their conduct, for as long as they remain in the building. Guests should remain in the bar or always accompanied by a member elsewhere in the building.
  • Guest arrival: Of course, outside of party events, it is ideal if you and your guests all arrive at the SLT Fire Station together, so that you can introduce your guests to any front of house team, or any other member who may meet you in the foyer. If this is not possible however, then ensuring your friends know the signing in policy outlined above is advised, so that they can introduce themselves as your guests – perhaps with them providing your SLT membership number as further evidence of valid entry to the premises.


Enjoy your Members’ Club Bar!