SLT Show

The Unfriend

By Steven Moffat

Date: 20 - 24 May 2025

Time: 20:00 - 22:15

Location: SLT Old Fire Station

While on holiday English couple Peter and Debbie befriend Elsa: a brassy, Trump-loving widow from middle America. She’s less than woke but kind of wonderful, so they agree to stay in touch – because no one ever really does, do they?

But when she invites herself to stay, they find out Elsa has a terrible secret. Peter and Debbie now face the English couple’s ultimate challenge – how do you protect all that you love from deadly peril without seeming just a little impolite?

Includes a 2.30pm matinee on Saturday 24 May.

Director: Bob Callender


Peter - Olly Clifford

Debbie - Rachael Dalton-Loveland

Elsa - Caroline Doyle

Alex - Gabriel Garcia-Marca

Rosie - Daisy Daniell

PC Junkin - Daniel Abeshin

Neighbour - Mark Ireson

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Graphic image of two people sitting with their heads on a table in despair, surrounded by a ghostly silhouette embracing them