SLT Show

Linck and Mülhahn

By Ruby Thomas

Date: 24 - 28 Sep 2024

Time: 20:00 - 22:30

Location: SLT Old Fire Station

It is life's great aim. To find a way to be honest with oneself, even as the world pretends around you. Dashing soldier Anastasius Linck has no intention of falling in love, but a chance encounter with the rebellious Catharina Mülhahn changes everything.

As they begin to forge a relationship that breaks boundaries and rejects the rigid rules of their society, they find themselves confronted by a world determined to tear them apart.

Director: Jo Boniface


Anastasius - Ali Gibson (Any/All)

Catharina - Han Evans (She/Her)

Mother - Hannah McCorry (She/Her)

Spinster - Carole Coyne (She/Her)

Girl/Ensemble - Thea Miller (She/Her)

Soldier/Executioner/Ensemble - Daniel Cox (He/Him)

Johann/Ensemble (He/Him) - Greg Williams (He/Him)

Judge/Cornelius/Captain - Steve Pleasants (He/Him)

Lady/Doctor/Ensemble - Rebecca Law (She/Her)

Maid/Ensemble - Nana Darby (She/Her)

Jurymen/Ensemble - Isabella Breslin (She/Her)

Jurymen/Ensemble - Alice Wilson (They/Them)

Linck & Mulhahn poster image