Other Class

Feldenkrais Method

Date: 29 Oct 2022

Time: 10:00 - 12:30

Where: SLT Fire Station

Ages: All ages

Price: £30 / £25 conc. / PWYC

The Head, Spine and Pelvis Connection

Increase flexibility and wellness with Jenny Hill

When the head and pelvis are more clearly aligned and in better relationship with each other, our posture is better, the spine gets naturally longer and more mobile, the ribcage gently expands creating more space for the lungs and the heart to live. The abdominal viscera also has more space for health and vitality.

Simultaneously, this allows our entire 'system' to connect to the ground more clearly, enabling us to feel both more energised and calmer.

Whilst the standard price is £30 / £25 concession, if finances are a strain you can pay what you can.

If you have questions or to book, please visit Jenny's website via the button below.

This event is not run by South London Theatre, in the event of any issues or questions please contact the event organisers directly.
Visit the organiser's website