Get in touch
What's your query?
We'd love to hear from you at SLT. As a team of volunteers however, we are limited in the resources we have to respond to queries, so have tried to put the answers to most questions on this website.
In the first instance, please explore the menu options above to find your answer (tap the symbol with the three horizontal lines at the top right of the page to access the menu if you're on a mobile device.) Otherwise all the relevant contacts are in the panel below.
If your query relates to auditions, all the information you should need is on the auditions page and the audition notices you'll find there. If you do find yourself needing more information about an audition, each audition notice will have an "Email the director" button to reach the person in charge.
Let's get you to the right inbox
Box Office queries schedule, submissions & directing queries about our building and room hire about our Youth Theatre website faults & inaccuracies about our members' club bar / technical enquiries questions or concerns else and wardrobe hire queries Us (Leave a message)
02037576111Come to an Open Evening
We hold a monthly opening evening at 7.45pm (usually, but not always) on a mid-month Wednesday where any question can be answered. Come down to meet us, have a full tour of our historic building and find out more about our theatre, membership, and how to get involved across all the fun and creative disciplines.
If you're a new member or are still considering membership, we hope you’ll come down to get inspired, get better connected with us and how we work and have an enjoyable, sociable evening. We’ll even treat you to a free drink in the bar too!