SLT Show

SLT Summer Shorts 2024

By Various authors, new writing

Date: 13 - 17 Aug 2024

Time: 20:00 - 22:30

Location: SLT Old Fire Station

Our celebration of new writing has become an annual event at SLT. This year, we asked writers to focus on the theme of 'Storm' to create a 10-minute play.

A mix of new comedy, drama and monologue, our evening of Shorts has something for everyone with its programme of 10 short plays.

Curated by Cal Beckett, Anna Callender and Guy Jones
Compere - Celia Delaney

Recommended ages 14+, with some strong language and references to illness and death.

The Programme:

STORM IN A GPT CUP by Will Howells, directed by Steve Grist. Cast : Nick Bateman, Nicola Foxwell, Cal Beckett
MOVING FURNITURE written and directed by Natalie Gregorian. Cast: Flora Blissett
STORM THE GATES written and directed by Tom Boxall. Cast: Ben Farren, Dean Moore
THURSDAY written and directed by Rob Tavernier. Cast: Olivette Cole Wilson, Stevie Cox, Rob Tavernier
A VERY GALLANT GENTLEMAN by Matthew Davies, directed by Alex Redmond. Cast: Randy Brown, Eugene Duffy, Craig Norman, Chris Gipson, Tom Mathias (Sat only)


STORM HUNTERS: STORMDATE 28.07.05 by Tom Watts, directed by Saffy Andrews. Cast: Will Howells, Tristan White, Amy Evans
MAKING WAVES by Julia Collier, directed by Charlotte Benstead. Cast: Jacqui Cassidy, Shilpa Varma, Ellie Masterman, Seb Keenan
SUPER TROOPERS written and directed by Guy Jones. Cast: Joe Hawkins, Lewi Chapman, Ben Dustin
THE BLIND MAN PLAYS by James Taverner, directed by Cal Beckett. Cast: James Taverner
GRACE AND A CODPIECE by David Lydon, directed by James Jackson. Cast: Joe Dominic, Aria Baker, Steve Grist, Celia Delaney

Early Bird tickets available until midnight 4 August 2024.

SLT Summer Shorts 2024 poster image of palm trees blowing in strong wind against a pale yellow sky.