SLT Show
The Bald Prima Donna
By Eugene Ionesco
Date: 19 - 23 Apr 2022
Time: 20:00 - 22:00
Location: The Old Fire Station
Typically middle-class Mr and Mrs Smith are enjoying an evening at home in the suburbs of London. They have invited the Martins over for dinner, even though they’ve already eaten, and the Martins are very late, which is very rude since the Smiths are starving and haven’t eaten all day. They are interrupted by their maid, Mary, and eventually, a fire chief.
One of the pioneer plays of the Theatre of the Absurd, The Bald Prima Donna is a surreal examination of the English middle class in the 1950s.
Director: Anna Rubincam
Mr Smith - Owen Chidlaw
Mrs Smith - Ingrid Miller
Mr Martin - Andy Barrett
Mrs Martin - Audrey Lindsay
Mary - Angelina Yasmin
Firechief - Bryon Fear